Introduction to libFuzzer


LLVM libFuzzer is a coverage-guided fuzzer developed by Google. It is a popular fuzzer used to find bugs in software.

LibFuzzer works by generating random inputs and feeding them to the program under test. The fuzzer then monitors the program for crashes or other unexpected behavior. If the program crashes or exhibits unexpected behavior, the fuzzer will record the input that caused the crash or unexpected behavior. The fuzzer will then use this information to generate more targeted inputs that are more likely to find bugs.

LibFuzzer is a powerful tool for finding bugs in software. It is easy to use and can be used to find bugs in a variety of software. However, LibFuzzer also has some limitations.

One limitation of LibFuzzer is that it can be slow to find bugs. This is because LibFuzzer generates random inputs, and it may take some time for the fuzzer to generate an input that causes a crash or unexpected behavior.

Another limitation of LibFuzzer is that it can be difficult to use to find specific bugs. This is because LibFuzzer generates random inputs, and it may be difficult to generate an input that targets a specific bug.

Overall, LibFuzzer is a powerful tool for finding bugs in software. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of LibFuzzer before using it.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using LibFuzzer:


  • Easy to use: LibFuzzer is easy to use and can be used to find bugs in a variety of software.
  • Powerful: LibFuzzer is a powerful tool that can find a wide range of bugs.
  • Efficient: LibFuzzer is efficient and can find bugs quickly.


  • Can be slow: LibFuzzer can be slow to find bugs, especially for complex software.
  • Can be difficult to use to find specific bugs: LibFuzzer generates random inputs, so it can be difficult to generate an input that targets a specific bug.

Here are some tips for using LibFuzzer:

  • Start with simple inputs: When you first start using LibFuzzer, it is a good idea to start with simple inputs. This will help you to learn how LibFuzzer works and to identify the types of inputs that are likely to cause crashes or unexpected behavior.
  • Use coverage reports: LibFuzzer generates coverage reports that show which parts of the program have been executed. You can use these reports to identify parts of the program that are not being exercised by the fuzzer. This will help you to focus your fuzzing efforts on the parts of the program that are most likely to contain bugs.
  • Use feedback-directed fuzzing: Feedback-directed fuzzing (DFUF) is a technique that uses the results of previous fuzzing runs to generate more targeted inputs. This can help to improve the effectiveness of LibFuzzer.


The example I provided is not correct. In order to use LibFuzzer, we need to define a function that will be called by the LibFuzzer library. This function is called the target function. The target function is the function that we are fuzzing.

The following is an example of how to define a target function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const char *data, size_t size) {
  // Do something with the input data.

  return 0;

This is a simple example of a target function. The LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput() function takes two arguments: the input data and the size of the input data. The LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput() function should do something with the input data. In this example, we are simply returning 0.

Once we have defined a target function, we can use LibFuzzer to fuzz the function. To do this, we need to compile the target function with the -fsanitize=fuzzer flag. We can then run the fuzzer with the following command:

clang -g -O0 -fsanitize=fuzzer target_function.c -o target_function

This will run the fuzzer and attempt to find bugs in the target function. If the fuzzer finds a bug, it will print the input data that caused the bug.


Here are some alternatives to LibFuzzer:

  • AFL (American Fuzzy Lop): AFL is a popular fuzzer that is similar to LibFuzzer. AFL is known for its ability to find bugs in complex software. [Image of AFL (American Fuzzy Lop) logo]
  • AFL++: AFL++ is a fork of AFL that adds a number of new features, such as feedback-directed fuzzing (DFUF). [Image of AFL++ logo]
  • Honggfuzz: Honggfuzz is a fuzzer that is based on AFL. Honggfuzz is known for its ability to find bugs in binary executables. [Image of Honggfuzz logo]
  • Csmith: Csmith is a fuzzer that generates random C programs. Csmith can be used to find bugs in compilers and other software that parses C code. [Image of Csmith logo]

Here is a table that compares LibFuzzer and some of its alternatives:

Feature LibFuzzer AFL AFL++ Honggfuzz Csmith
Coverage-guided fuzzing Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Feedback-directed fuzzing (DFUF) No Yes Yes Yes No
Ability to find bugs in binary executables Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Ability to find bugs in compilers No No Yes No Yes
Ease of use Easy Easy Easy Easy Medium
Performance Good Good Good Good Good

Overall, LibFuzzer is a powerful fuzzer that is easy to use. However, there are other fuzzers that offer some additional features, such as AFL++ and Honggfuzz.